
10 Questions to Ask Your Basement Finishing Company

Questions to Ask Your Basement Finishing CompanyYou’ve made the decision to move forward with a basement finish–now what? In Colorado, many companies provide this service, so how do you know which one will be the right fit for your job? Hiring a contractor requires a little homework. Get referrals, read reviews, follow up with references, and know what questions to ask. Consider the following ten critical questions as you interview basement contractors, and keep in mind that working with a finishing company that is also a home builder can help you avoid many of the pitfalls common to basement finishing and remodeling.

1. Are you licensed and insured?

Make this the first question in your queue. A reputable contractor will gladly show a license and proof of insurance. Review the documents to make sure they are for the business you are hiring and the state in which the work will be done.

2. How long have you been in business and how many basements have you finished or remodeled?

Put your mind at ease with the major investment you’re about to make by hiring a company with experience, and one that has encountered and successfully dealt with a variety of situations.

3. May I have a list of references?

Ask for references and then call them. Ask about the construction experience as a whole, as well as the end result. Were there any issues and if so, how did the contractor handle them? How well did the contractor communicate and respond to your questions and concerns? Was the work done on time and on budget? Would you work with the contractor again?

4. Can you finish my basement within my budget?

Choose a contractor that will respect your budget and communicate clearly with you regarding what can be realistically accomplished within that budget. Keep in mind that the contractor who offers the lowest bid may not necessarily be the best choice. Many companies will give you a bid that looks great at first glance–until you realize that it may not include such necessities as permits, flooring, and other finishes. In addition to cost, consider also experience, reputation, and references when making your decision.

5. How long will it take to finish my basement?

Understanding your project’s timeline and discussing possible delays up-front will help you know how to plan around the inevitable degree of disruption associated with any construction or remodel job.

6. Will this project require a permit, and is the cost of the permit included in the price?

Any basement finish or home remodel requires a construction permit issued from the governing municipality before work can begin. Your contractor should be responsible for the application and payment associated with obtaining the correct permit.

7. What sort of warranty is offered?

Ask about the warranty, and specifically what will and will not be covered. Make sure the details are in writing.

8. How are change orders handled?

Changes can add cost and time to any construction project. While it makes sense to avoid making changes once construction is underway, sometimes they can’t be helped. Be sure to understand how changes are handled and what the consequences are.

9. How often will we communicate about the basement’s progress and in what manner?

A successful project requires effective communication between contractor and homeowner. Set clear expectations regarding the type of communication you wish to have–whether it be in person, by phone, via email–and the frequency of it.

10. What are the major energy-saving features of basements you finish?

An experienced contractor can help you choose cost-effective energy-saving options, such as additional insulation or LED light fixtures, and will be knowledgeable about your municipality’s code requirements relating to green building practices.

The professionals at Finished Basements and More are ready to answer all your questions. Contact us today to discuss your basement refinishing/remodeling project.


6777 Wadsworth Boulevard, Arvada, CO 80003
(303) 420-0056